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ASP Hosting Review - EasyCGI.com

We went with EasyCGI in a real emergency situation. Our current hosting company, NPSIS.com, had throttled our bandwidth in such a way that the entire site was non-functional. EasyCGI was very good about setting our new server up quickly and helping us move over smoothly. We began with them in Oct 2002.

EasyCGI averaged around $100/mo for our 30 gig/mo or so of bandwidth. They were quite good about letting us know how our bandwidth was doing and charging us appropriately. The site stayed up and ran smoothly.

On Jan 9th, 2003, they let us know that our traffic had been increasing at a phenomonal rate. It was 40 gig in Nov, 60 gig in Dec, and 90 gig in Jan. They let us know that they had orders in for more bandwidth with their upstream provider, but that they wouldn't be in place until June 2003. So they would assist us as much as possible, but that we should probably find a new provider that could handle our size right now.

EasyCGI was very patient with us, and we found a new server - TheVSP.com - which was in fact now a dedicated server for us. We moved to them on Jan 29th, 2003. I actually continue to host some of my smaller sites with EasyCGI.com and am quite pleased with their service and uptime.

ASP Hosting Company Reviews