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ASP Hosting Review - CIWebHosting.com

I used CIWebHosting.com from Jan 02 to Feb 02 before I cancelled due to uptime problems.

I began by hosting my personal site - lisashea.com - there for my own use. As it was my own site, I really didn't mind if it went down sometimes and had issues.

However, in early February I began hosting a business site there as well. They said they supported multiple URLs. However, only the MAIN page for my second URL would work. So if you went to aspisfun.com, the URL worked. However, if you tried to go to say aspisfun.com/about.asp, it gave you an error! It didn't even send you back to the aspisfun.com homepage.

I was paying $29.95 at the time for minimal bandwidth, but the site simply wouldn't stay up. I noticed many times that the site would be down - and it would only be brought back up when I emailed in and reported the issue. I was never told what the problem was, or if they were taking any steps to prevent it in the future. I was just told "Oh ok, it's up again now."

Since the problems kept happening, that left me with little faith that things would be any different going forward. I cancelled my account with them and moved to a new hosting company on Feb 21, 2002. That new company was NPSIS.com.

As a follow-up note, I see that CIWebHosting has now merged with BODHosting.com. Maybe this means that their servers and service are now different than my experience.

ASP Hosting Company Reviews