Welcome to my ASP Code Website

Contact Lisa Shea

Lisa Shea ASP Programmer Greetings! My name is Lisa Shea, and this is my website. I began coding in Active Server Pages, or ASP, in 1999. Soon I was deeply delving into the fun options ASP had available. I have since coded a number of large sites in ASP, including BellaOnline.com which gets 20 million pageviews a month, LisaShea.com which gets 2 million pageviews a month, WineIntro.com which also gets 2 million pageviews a month, and many more. I am well versed in making sure ASP is scalable and runs quickly in a variety of situations.

This site here is the result of thousands of people over the years asking how I did task X or Y with ASP. I figured by putting it online that I could help everyone at once, quickly and easily!

If you want to learn ASP, take my Free Online ASP Course! I also offer a number of ebooks for download, if you prefer to have content in your hands or on your tablet.

I am available for contract programming. Let me know the nature of the project and we can talk from there.

Enjoy the site!

+Lisa Shea

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