Many of you have noticed that this site has been experiencing fairly serious issues these past few months. I’ve been using a hosting company in Canada for several years now and the servers just haven’t been reliable.
I didn’t want to change, though, because I am incredibly busy and I just couldn’t find the time to do it.
I’m sure you’ve faced this challenge in your own life.
In any case, the performance and downtime in October just got so atrocious that I had to do something. I did a bunch of research and decided to give TurnKey Internet a try. They offered VPS of Windows 2016 servers, which I could then install IIS and ASP classic onto. Since most of my sites use ASP classic, that was a requirement.
I started by just moving two of my smallest sites. I’d had poor results in the past with Amazon Cloud and Google Cloud – poor meaning that once I started ramping up traffic the costs went sky-high. I wanted to make sure I could manage what I needed to in a reasonable way here.
So far, so good! The server is stable, the software runs smoothly, and ASP Classic is as happy as a clam. Are clams really happy? I suppose I think so.
Let me know if you have any issues with this site now that it’s moved. I’ll keep you up to date with my experiences with TurnKey. So far their tech support has been prompt, friendly, and on point. In our modern world that can be hard to find.

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