ADODB.Recordset error ‘800a0bb9’
If you’ve been coding in ASP Classic for any length of time, and working with databases, undoubtedly you’ve run into this hair-pulling error. ADODB.Recordset error […]
If you’ve been coding in ASP Classic for any length of time, and working with databases, undoubtedly you’ve run into this hair-pulling error. ADODB.Recordset error […]
OK I had gone through all the planning and I had actually moved all my millions of rows in my databases from the MSSQL tables […]
It took me quite a while to be ready for the task of moving my data from MSSQL to MySQL. To get some history on […]
If you’d asked me ten years ago if I’d ever consider moving my databases from Microsoft MSSQL to open-source MySQL, I’d probably have said no. […]
If you look at the very top line of ASP Classic code, you’ll often see a line that looks like this: <%@ Language=VBScript %> or […]
It seems normal and natural for a Microsoft IIS Webserver, which is set up to run ASP Classic code, to therefore process any .ASP file […]
When you’re using ASP Classic on Microsoft IIS servers, you generally don’t want all your 500 errors showing up to the public. They could get […]
This ASCII chart lets you know what ASCII number is associated with each standard character on your keyboard. Incredibly helpful for ASP and HTML programming! […]
The more you get into ASP and HTML, the more you learn about making special characters on the web and working with unusual letters. Here’s […]
Let’s start at the beginning. Every HTML page you write really should have a doctype at the top of it. What does it do, and […]
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